If I keep dating women, I am going to end up naked!

24 November 2010
Good god, I must have the worst freaking luck in the world when it comes to clothes! You are never going to believe this but last night I lost my wool pea coat! Yup, and you guessed it, it was my only warm coat. Geez!

At least this time the circumstances weren't so scandalous...I ended up going on a second date with S. from Ok Cupid. We went to the movies and like a complete dolt, I left my jacket in the theater when we left. Someone must have picked it up and taken it home. And dang, it was a good coat too. Funny thing is that when I went on my first date with S. she lost her ring. Hmmm...is this a sign?

The second date with S. was just as so, so as the first. But this time I didn't even try a goodnight kiss. I am confused because S. is pretty hard to read. We have a good time but are we just friends? I'm not quite sure. Another thing that perplexes me about her is that she says she does not smoke pot, but it really seems like she is stoned when we hang out. Very odd. Another thing (and yes, I know this is nit picky) is that when we left the theater she left her trash at her seat. I think that is just plain junky. You should throw away your own trash, if you ask me. I'm not sure if we will go out again. But hey, in the world of dating, you win some and then you lose some (clothes - damn it!).

Now I am going to go on a big ass rant, just for the hell of it. 

What is with lesbians being so damn judgmental? Or as I like to call it, judgy. Every time I talk to another lesbian about my story they are on it like white on rice. And not in the good way. Other lesbians seem to think I am not a "real lesbian." That I am lying about being gay because I am coming out later in life and have been married and in heterosexual relationships up until now. Oh, and I'm not a "real lesbian" because I haven't been out since I was 6 years old. Can't a woman have a different narrative? Isn't that what the gay community is all about? Embracing diversity?!

Every time I have been out with another woman they have been all up in my business (again, not in the way I would like them to be up in my business) about how long I have been out, who I am out to, how many women I have been with and so forth. I find this odd because when a woman dates a man, the question of how many people you have been with comes up months into a relationship, not on the first date. When I attempt to explain my situation and tell them my story I either get rejected or patronized. I guess I was delusional, thinking that my sister women would openly welcome me into vagina town or at least take the time to get to know me before jumping to conclusions about who I am. 

Now I am still sorting all of this out, but I don't believe a person's entire identity is intrinsically linked to their sexual identity. We are all complex people with many different facets. Perhaps I can say this because I have lived my life as a heterosexual up until now and maybe my view will change as I delve deeper into gaydom. But to tell you the truth, I don't want to become a person who is only identified by one aspect of her life. And finally, in closing, if there are any lesbians out there reading this blog, give a bitch a break! Life is difficult and confusing for everyone at different times. Can't we all just get along (and make out)?!


Anonymous Says:
November 25, 2010 at 2:04 PM

Awesome post! Dude, people are judgy dong faces.

Anonymous Says:
November 29, 2010 at 3:54 PM

Women are judgy, they can't help themselves. Maybe you are going after the wrong kind of lady.

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