
08 November 2010
Since my recent revelation it seems as if people are much more interested in my life. More specifically talking about my life to others. This weekend a friend decided to out me on my Facebook wall. Luckily I was quick enough to catch the comment and delete it but unfortunately I can't delete it from the news feed of our mutual friends - some of whom are family members who I haven't told yet. I couldn't believe that someone would do this. This is my life and my business and I will shout it out when I am damn well ready! I felt violated to see something so personal out on display for everyone to see.

Let me be clear, I am not ashamed of testing the waters in vagina town. I know that the people in my life will love me no matter what. The point is that this is my life and I will share this at my own pace. The 300+ family, friends, coworkers, high school classmates and other random people on my FB page don't really need to know every aspect of my life. 

I've noticed that when I am out with friends, the topic of conversation usually comes around to my personal life. Because I'm open, I don't mind being frank about my comings and goings. But I would like to be the person bringing it up, if I choose to at all. When people just bring up my business, especially around others, it puts me on the spot. I'm not always comfortable sharing. And when I choose to do so it will be my choice. I wonder, have I become the token gay friend, charged with regaling the straights with stories of my affairs?

Most people in my life that I have shared with have been supportive and not very surprised. I'm thankful to have support as I explore the wonderful world of women. But some days people can really make you feel like a freak.  


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