Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink

03 January 2011
Happy New Year to all of you out there who believe in that bullshit. Hope you all had a good and safe time and stayed out of jail. I am personally thankful that the holidays are over and I made it out in one piece. 

My NYE was pretty crazy and awesome. I went to Cubano's house and partied the night away in a grand fashion. I learned that when a Cuban person tells you they are having a "family party," this means 100+ people, a DJ and a full bar. Awesome! With the exception of all the vomiting (not me!) and having to sleep on the floor in a room with 8 other people the night was really fun...

...except for the fact that I was all dolled up and had no one to make out with. Seriously people, there were so many beautiful women there, but no lesbians. I couldn't even find any bi-curious drunk girls! Dang! WTF?! There was a menagerie of gay men there though, those lucky bastards.

As I navigate my way through this new life, I am having to pick up on some new skills. One of those being, honing my Gaydar. This has not exactly been easy. Example: The party was a real classy shindig so everyone was dressed up. I even wore a dress! So my dress had this really cool flower clip on thing that fell off at some point during the night. This really bummed me out because the dress just didn't have the same umph without the flower. So I noticed my flower was missing and mentioned it to the group of people I was with. This girl who is a mutual friend of many of my friends, but who I had not met before, empathized and said she would help me out. She grabs my hand and we start trolling around the party looking for my flower (this sounds like an intense innuendo - but seriously, I am talking about a real flower accessory here). I repeat, she grabbed my hand and I thought she was giving off some lesbiana vibes. She ended up finding my flower on a chair. I was so overjoyed/drunk that I laid one on her. 


She was really nice about it and basically said that she wasn't into chicks but not to worry about it. This was quite embarrassing (for both of us, I am sure). But here is my question - it was clear which team I was batting for, yet this girl went ahead and made an advance on me by grabbing my hand. I don't think I have ever grabbed another girl's hand unless it was a good friend or a love interest. So to me, the grabbing of hand is an advance. But I guess to others this is perfectly normal? To my straight ladies out there - what's up with this? Is it a game some women play with other women? If so, that is totally dongy. And it should stop unless you want me to kiss you. And I will. I'm just putting it out there. But on the bright side, I feel like I have passed another milestone on my adventure, creeping on a straight woman who turned me down. Haha. Glad to have that one behind me!

In other news, I deleted Xena's number from my phone. The booty is not worth the drama, y'all! And I am still over analyzing my situation (or lack of situation) with LOL. She sent me a Happy New Year text on Saturday. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to hear from her so I was taken by surprise. I replied on Saturday but then didn't hear anything back. And then against the recommendations of nearly all of my friends (sorry guys) I texted her earlier today to ask how her trip was. And she responded. I think is important for me to learn how to go with the flow in these situations and realize that not everyone is on my same schedule or time frame. But damn, it is hard!!


Here's to 2011, hopefully there will be love, luck, laughter and lesbians for all!


Anonymous Says:
January 3, 2011 at 7:38 PM

hey whoa she replied, that's cool. We'll see what happens next.

Dr. Awkward Says:
January 3, 2011 at 7:45 PM

"Don't be a spaz. Don't be a spaz..." That's what I have on loop in my head right now. It's a good mantra for me.

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