What's up with the bis? And also, my weekend plans

14 January 2011
I have been thinking a lot about sexual orientation and how it is defined. In the strict sense of the word, bisexuality is a physical/romantic attraction to both males and females. But it seems more complicated than that. For example, I have been in physical/romantic relationships with both men and women. Does that make me bisexual? My inclination is to disagree because once I gave up the penis, I really gave up the penis. I mean, I really do not have any physical attraction to men. It's just not what I see as desirable. And I never actively pursued women when I was in heterosexual relationships. 

For me I think it comes down to the fact that dating within one gender is hard enough. I can't even imagine trying to throw dating men up in the mix right now. I'm not sure I understand how people do this. How can you be looking for two totally opposite things at the same time? Are these people just greedy? 

Is it a good idea to date a person who is openly bisexual? Well, I kind of have a no judgment policy when it comes to someone's sexuality. It's not really my place to judge what floats someone else's boat. Because, honestly, people could get real judgy (and they have) about my situation. But what about the competition aspect of it? Can I compete with a man? Better yet, can a man compete with me?! Haha. I have been exchanging emails with a girl from OK Cupid who is bi. We have a good connection via email. She is open about the fact that she is going out on dates with men, which is totally cool. There is just a friend vibe going on between us, so I am not jealous or anything. I am more perplexed. For me it is very black and white. Women = holler, men = no holler. I just can't wrap my mind around being in both realms. The experiences are so completely different. If there are any bi people out there who want to chime in, be my guest! I would love to learn more!

On a side note...I mentioned before how I was getting along well with this girl over email. You know what is funny? I get along with all the girls I talk to on email. It's really funny how women have such an easy time connecting. Gosh, how I have wasted my time for so many years on men! Gah!

I am really looking forward to this weekend! I am going out with my awesome friend Iggy and her husband, Mo on Saturday (check out her awesome blog, "The Truth About Mo"). We are going to a documentary premier and then out to this really cool party, A Club Called Rhonda which looks like it will be a total blast and a real eclectic mix of people. Seriously, check out how funky the fliers are! Sunday I am heading to spend some quality time with my sister and my niece. But Monday I have a definite date with this really cool girl I met from OK Cupid. We have been texting this week and she is freaking hilarious! I am really looking forward to meeting her in person. She is different from the girls I have gone out with so far. Her look is more edgy, she has a sleeve (hot!) but we have a definite connection so I am stoked. 

Good god, what will happen if I ever get into a relationship? I'll have to give some serious thought about what to do with this blog. Haha. For now, it'll be our little secret, my 5 readers out there. I love ya! Thanks for tuning in!!!


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