Lezzies & Leather Daddies: My weekend in review

19 January 2011
Well, it has been one hell of a weekend! It all began with an unexpected trip to Truck Stop on Friday night. Cubano surprised me with the trip. Best gay boyfriend ever. What can I say about Truck Stop...hmmm...I would say that it was a bit overwhelming. I had never seen so many women in one place at one time. I had a good time checking it out and what was even more lucky was the fact that one of the Truck Stop girls is the girlfriend of one of Cubano's friends and she hooked us up with free booze the whole night. Awesome! Another twist to the evening was that LOL was there. It was her birthday so I bought her a drink and talked with her for a bit. It wasn't anything amazing. But the club was definitely a blast.

On Saturday, Iggy and I went to the premier of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward. It was pretty mind blowing. We were supposed to check out the party at El Cid, A Club Called Rhonda, but the line was soooo long and the place was packed. Cheer Boy was with his boyfriend and another friend and found us in the line. He reported that the MEN'S bathroom line was like 20 minutes. We decided then and there that we were going to abandon Rhonda. He invited us to The Eagle, a leather bar. Now Iggy and I had never been to a leather bar, so we thought, "What the hell?! Let's check it out!" So we arrive and are one of a very small group of other women, but the place is full of leather daddies of every shape and size. It was definitely a new experience. We stayed for a drink, chatted while gay porn played on the large screen TVs and then headed back to Iggy & Mo's place. I had a blast with Iggy & Mo. They are truly awesome people. I am so proud to call them my friends. 

Sometimes I find it difficult to talk to some of my friends about my life now. I think it must be challenging for some of them to conceptualize me in a new way and if they have limited experiences with the gays, I can see how it might make them uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, everyone has been supportive, but sometimes it is just different. I really like connecting with Iggy because she understands what it is like to be in a relationship that is outside of the social norm. Although we are in 2011 it is still hard for people in an interracial relationship. Which boggles my fucking mind. Having known Iggy and Mo for the length of their decade long relationship, I have witnessed some truly wonderful as well as some truly horrible things happen to them as a result of their relationship. But throughout it all, the loved and supported each other. And that is a beautiful thing. Their love is an inspiration to me and their friendship a treasure.

Sunday was another fun day as I headed to my sister's house to hang with the fam. We went to the beach, had some delicious meals prepared by my bro-in-law and just had a great time together. I am truly amazed at how much my niece changes and grows each time I see her. My sister and I then went out with Princess Star to a couple of bars. An odd thing happened at the first bar. There was a couple there who were dancing near us. They bumped into us a couple of times and Princess Star said something to the man about watching where he was going. The woman he was with was a super bitch and as she walked away, she said something along the lines of that we hadn't had cock in a while. Although I was incensed that someone would make such a remark, I also thought to myself, "honey, if you only knew." Haha. What is wrong with people?!


Anonymous Says:
January 19, 2011 at 2:03 PM

Hooray for a great weekend. I hope you come out to visit the bobes again soon. Mom is trying to make me come out to her house but I don't know. We'll see.

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