Hasta Luego Fauxhawk

09 April 2011
I have finally decided (with some goading from some family members...you know who you are) to give up my fauxhawk. I have been rocking the style for about 6 months now and I think I am finally over it. Not that we didn't have fun together and many good times. I am just ready to move on to a different style. One that is less IN YO' FACE!

I think part of this change comes from talking to my shrink. I came to realize that when I came out I wanted to have a crazy ass hair style to help define who I was. I think I have moved past that phase in my life now and am ready to leave that old part behind. I don't want to be "that girl with the hair." I thought about the type of people my hair would be attracting and I am not so sure those people are who I want to date. Also, I will be starting my Masters in the fall and moving to a new career which is quite a bit different than my current profession. Plus I am getting old, y'all! Basically I had my fun, worked it out and am ready for something new. 

I feel like I have crossed into a new phase of my journey. I have determined conclusively that I am gay, come out to people in my life, dated, was in a relationship and have been learning along the way. It's time to move to the next step in the process, which (I think?) is finding out who I am and what I want from life & a partner. So, fauxhawk, I bid you a sweet farewell. It was fun while it lasted.


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