Day by day

06 April 2011
Tomorrow will be 1 week since JC dumped me. For some reason it feels like this week is dragging on FOREVER! It seemed like time flew when we were together but now it is creeping like a slug. I am working on moving forward...I deleted (and also blocked) her from my Facebook, deleted her number from my phone (to protect myself from any drunk texting/dialing incidents), reactivated my Ok Cupid account and made an appointment with a new shrink. I know I can't make myself get over this but I just wish this shit would be over already.  Ugh.

As for Ok Cupid - I have seen a couple of people who look interesting and have even started messaging with a girl. It has been nice to have my mind on something else. I had a very cool and beautiful girl message me who was 23 and in college. Although we did have a lot in common I wrote her back thanking her for the message but let her know that stability was really important to me right now and that I couldn't date a student. I felt like this was a step in the right direction. I identified something that I want in a partner and did not get sucked into talking to someone who did not have that trait. Whew, it was a big step for me. 

I am confused because on the one hand, I think it is important to get out there again and start meeting people. On the other hand I know it would be a bad idea to just replace the empty mental space with another person. How to find this balance? 

Do any of you have recommendations on any (gah, I can't believe I am saying this) self help books that help you identify what you want in a relationship and how to work towards finding a person with those traits? I know several of you bitches are happily married to great people. How did you figure out what you wanted from a partner? And how did you stick to those resolutions until you found what you wanted?


Anonymous Says:
April 6, 2011 at 2:49 PM

Bwah ha ha !!! I have no help on self help books for you except "he's not that into you" which really would be good for you actually.

Dr. Awkward Says:
April 6, 2011 at 3:12 PM

Great idea, Anonymous. I think someone needs to write, "She's Just Not Thant Into You" for the Lesbians. Haha. But I did come across 2 other titles:

Your Cat's Just Not That Into You: "What Part of Meow Don't You Understand?"

and my personal favorite:

Maybe Life's Just Not That Into You: When You feel Like the World's Voted You Off

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