
11 March 2011
One of the best parts about starting a new relationship is learning about new things through your partner. Recently JC brought me into the world of wine and I looooooove it! I know my sister is out there cursing at the computer because she has been trying to get me into wine for years. I had people in past relationships also try to get me into it but I just wasn't having it. Who knows why it's working for me now, but the point is I am really excited to find a new hobby and also to be able to share it with JC. 

I am fully aware that I am a compulsive person and that when I get into something I really get into something! Wine is no different. Last week I went out and bought 6 bottles of wine at the most heavenly place on earth, Total Wine. I usually do my beer/liquor shopping there because their prices and selection are phenomenal. So when I went to buy some wine, I was totally overwhelmed. There was so much to choose from and I am just a novice over here! I will say that there was a really helpful wine department clerk there who answered some questions for me and gave me a few recommendations.

I have started off with red blends, pino noirs and bought a petite syrah although I have not opened it yet. I tried to stay under $10 a bottle because I figure there is no need to blow big bucks until I at least know what I am doing. I have tried a couple from TJs and Fresh & Easy that were really good and around $5. Finding a good wine for a good deal is exhilarating! I have even added an app to my phone that allows me to take a picture of what I am drinking and make comments about it. Right now I don't have any lingo, so I am just commenting on the price, where I bought it and if I would buy it again. I am hoping to be able to keep track of what I purchase so I know what I like and don't like. The app is called Corkbin. It was $0.99 - the first app I have ever paid for - but I believe I have reaped my investment back already. I installed a widget on my blog that displays the wines I am trying. If you have any recommendations for me, just shoot them my way. Even better, download the app and we can follow each other! 

Anyhoo, I am sitting at work with 2.5 hours to go and wine was on my mind so I thought I would share. Looking forward to leaving work behind and starting the weekend! It has been a pretty crappy week at work because we have been short staffed. Ugh. But the weekend is upon us! I am heading out to a show tonight with Banana. Should be, as usual, an epic evening. Not sure what the rest of the weekend holds, I just hope I get to see JC! I haven't seen her since last Friday and she had a friend in town this week so I haven't really had the chance to speak with her either. My goodness, I miss that woman! Hope you all enjoy your weekends! Have fun and be safe!


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