The summer of YES!

11 June 2011
Well, I did it! I got my tattoo. And yes, it hurt like a bitch! The outline was not so bad but the shading was torturous. I think it took about 1.5 hours. I almost passed out at the end. But it was well worth it. I love it! Still working through the healing process. The oozing of plasma and ink was pretty gross but it has subsided by today. I am really glad I got this to capture this moment in my life. A time when I am happy, free and on the verge of so many wonderful things. My mom, although shocked by the size, was cool with it and said she liked that it symbolized me blossoming. I thought that was pretty cool of her.

So this tattoo kicks off what I am going to call, "The Summer of YES!" Meaning whatever opportunity and adventure comes a knocking, I am going to run with it. My pal Iggy and I are heading out for a spontaneous Vegas trip tomorrow and then coming back to catch the Florence + The Machine concert on Tuesday. 

Good old Princess Star called me last Sunday about going to SF Pride. She & one of her friends are driving up Friday and coming back Sunday. Because I already have Britney Spears tickets (yes, and if you are going to judge me about this, you can suck it) on Friday and a staff meeting on Saturday I declined. About 2 seconds after I hung up the phone I got on the computer and booked a flight up to SF Saturday afternoon, just in time to catch the Dyke March and then I will fly home Sunday. Yeah, the tickets are costing me about $300. But SF Pride?! Priceless experience, my friends. I can't wait to be surrounded by thousands of gays! 

I have continued my upward spiral. Feeling really happy with where I am and what I am doing. I actually feel like my brain chemistry is functioning differently. Yeah, it could be due to the fact that I have pretty much given up smoking pot and cut my drinking back quite a bit, but I think it has to do with just being truly happy for the first time in my life. Now I am not saying that I have not been happy before, but this is the first time I have been consistently happy at such an intense level. Crazy.

In dating news...well there is no news. I feel really exhausted after the whole D debacle. I have been on OK Cupid a bit. An interesting chick from LB messaged me and we have been chatting back & forth. But I just can't spend the time browsing on that site that I used to. I am just happy being on my own right now. Although I continue to be hyper horny. I hope to hit up the fruit loop while in Vegas and at least make out with someone there. I just need a bit of physical contact, ya know?! I hope to have some good stories for you all when I get back. 


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