Why I love Vegas and other updates

15 December 2010
Please accept my apologies for the gap in posts. Last week was a serious cluster fuck with finishing an online class and other issues at work. But now things have settled down and can finally dish! Hooray.

I headed to Vegas for my friend Banana's birthday on Sunday and Monday. Dazzle (from Sacramento) and our other pal Cheer Boy also accompanied us on the trip. It was a total blast.We had a rocking suite at the Rio and if I do say so myself, we shut that city down. On Sunday night we went to a club at the Bellagio, called Bank. Now, the rodeo was in town the whole week prior, so in honor of the cowpeople I wore my western shirt, cowboy books and fauxhawked my hair. So yeah, I was looking pretty dykey. But in a good way. 

Cheer Boy got us on the list for the club. We got a free drink at this other bar and then free admission to the club. At the first bar, we were enjoying our free drink and I notice this group of 3 women (late 20's?) checking us out. I didn't think much of it so we finished our drinks and went to the club. After being there for about 20 minutes, these chicks show up and stand right next to us. I'm still thinking this is a coincidence until later when we headed out on the dance floor, these broads saddle right up next to us again. I'm not exactly sure what the deal was - but being in a very straight club I didn't exactly feel comfortable chatting them up. They hung out near us the whole time but never came up to us, which I found perplexing. Question: Because I look like a man, does that mean I have to act like a man? Should I have approached them?

So then the night gets even weirder...these other two chicks start dancing near us and one of them is totally grabbing my ass! WTF? Then this other group of chicks were checking us out. It was crazy. I guess the power of the short hair finally came through. But unfortunately, my dear readers I was too chicken to make a move. I just felt really uncomfortable in that particular setting. I also got this odd feeling that these chicks were all straight and just wanted to take a walk on the wild side. Which is fine, I guess...I mean it is Las Vegas...but I just couldn't step up. 

Cheer Boy and I decided we had enough of the straight club so he suggested we go to a bar called Charlie's which was off the strip and closer to our hotel. This sounded like a fantastic idea. So we caught a cab and asked the driver if he knew how to get there. The driver was obviously uncomfortable with our gayness and even more uncomfortable with taking us to a gay bar. He actually said that we could get another cab if we wanted. Well, Cheer Boy and I had no idea that this guy was such a huge douche so we stayed in the cab. This bastard then ran us around the city pretending like he didn't know where he was going. $30 later we decided to give up and head back to the hotel. It was one of the most surreal experiences I have had in a long time. I can't believe this guy would be such a dick! Ay!

The next night I was way too tired (and broke) to go out again. I also had to make it to work the next day, so I stayed in and enjoyed a relaxing night in the hotel. I was the only one of our group not to get lucky - but I am okay with that. It was an awesome time filled with insanity. Just the way Vegas should be! And maybe next time I will grow a pair and talk to some ladies.

In other news...I haven't heard from R. As you may recall, I hollered at her last Sunday after our Friday date to see if she would be available to go out the following Monday. She said she was busy but then texted me on Tuesday to see if we could postpone until this week. I hadn't heard from her since and then I was wasted in Vegas...I am guessing you know where this is leading. Oh yes, drunk texting. But I only said, "Hello, how is it going." So nothing crazy or anything but I still have not heard back. So I think I am over it. Although I ideally would like to date someone who is independent with their own business going on, I also find it important to have a basic level of communication (and I really hate when people ignore texts). I am kind of bummed about the whole thing because I felt like we really hit it off. It makes me wonder about the connections we make in life, which are real and which are only real in our own minds. Well, onward, I suppose - she must not know 'bout me! (Yes, I am listening to Beyonce to get over this one) Haha.

Speaking of dates, I went on another OK Cupid date this past Saturday. Not much to report, no zsa zsa zoo. I know it is important to keep putting myself out there so I am going to keep on keeping on. But good god, is it so much to ask to get to a second or third date? These first dates are wearing me out. I am really sick of talking about the same shit over and over. Maybe it is time to pray...Saint Anne - send me a (wo)man!


Anonymous Says:
December 15, 2010 at 2:13 PM

No more of this slacker no posting shit.

Dr. Awkward Says:
December 15, 2010 at 2:22 PM

You got it, anonymous! I will abide!

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