Finally! A good date!

04 December 2010
Well folks, it appears that lady luck has finally graced me with her presence. I went on a fantastic date last night with a chick I met on Ok Cupid. We had been emailing for a couple of weeks and really hitting it off. She has a very similar quirky sense of humor and we just clicked so I decided to ask her out. 

We met at a bar downtown and had a drink. I was nervous, but as soon as we started talking I was really comfortable. We talked about all sorts of things and about our lives. Unlike some of the other women I have been out with, she didn't demand to know the details of my sexuality. Our conversation just flowed and I never felt pressured to reveal anything and yet I felt safe enough to discuss many details of my life. As a matter of fact, she is new to the scene as well! It was awesome to have someone who understands what I am going through. We then went to another bar where there was live music and had another drink. I can hardly believe that I was out for almost 4 hours and only had 2 drinks! This is very unlike me. But we were having such a good time that I didn't even think about getting crunk. I was just happy to enjoy the company. Does this mean I am maturing?

So I am sure all of you are wondering how the date ended. R. pulled up to my apartment I told her I had an awesome time and that I would like to see her again. And then I gave her a hug. And that was it. Yes, my friends. Captain Awkward showed restraint yet again! What's happening to me?! I think that on my previous dates I was trying to create intimacy via smooch because there was no real connection on the date. But on this date, I didn't want to push it. Now don't get me wrong, I would really love to lay one on R. but I am fine with letting it come about organically.

I must say that this was one of the best dates I have been on. I really hope to see R. again. But now I have to ponder when to ask her out again. I'm really not into (or good at) playing games, like waiting X amount of days to call someone. And I feel like R. is a genuine and open person. I wouldn't want to play those types of games in this situation. But I also don't want to come on too strong. It's a delicate balancing act and I am just not sure I am ready to trust my heart to do the right thing here. Because I am off on Monday, I was thinking of calling her tomorrow and seeing if she was free Monday evening. Is this too much too soon? Any suggestions would be appreciated. And thanks to all of you out there who are commenting!! 


Anonymous Says:
December 6, 2010 at 11:59 AM

Nice work! You know, after thinking about this overnight - I think you should not go too crazy and invite for another date so fast. (Unless you already did... ha.) It's not like you have to wait X number of days or anything like that - but in life I think it's good to let things sit a bit and take things slow.

Dr. Awkward Says:
December 6, 2010 at 12:56 PM

Dang! Anonymous I needed you yesterday. I guess I already flubbed this one and went for it too soon. She didn't go for it. Oh well, we will just have to see what happens.

Could it be that part of dating is also about being yourself and attracting people that are comfortable with who you are? I probably need to find someone who can handle my (awkward) intensity. At least that is what I tell myself ;)

Anonymous Says:
December 7, 2010 at 12:38 PM

I need some more details about the night to get a better read on her. But, I figure that if you arranged the first date then she should at least initiate talks of a second date. You may have jumped the gun but I don't think it has killed your chances for date #2. Keep us updated on R, I'm glad you had such a good date! Oh and good job not trying to make out with her or drinking too much on date #1.

love, chacha

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