Oasis...Maybe I misjudged you

20 December 2010
In the past I have been pretty critical of the gay nightclub, Oasis in Upland. I had been there on several occasions but didn't really have a good time. But on Friday night, my pal Cubano hit me up and suggested we check it out. I agreed because any time I go out with Cubano, it is an awesome time. To make the deal sweeter, Banana joined us as well. As we sipped on Go Go Girls! (Go Girl! energy drink & vodka) we got ready for what was to become a very interesting night...

We got to the club around 11:30 and headed out to the dance floor. We were shutting that mother fucker down when this girl came up to me. She told me I was cute and that she wanted to buy me a drink. Well, flattery and free booze will just about get you anywhere in my book, so I agreed. Now here is where the story gets interesting. As we were chatting over drinks, I discovered the following similarities between the two of us:

1. We share the same first name (but for the sake of this blog, her name shall be Xena, because who wouldn't want to share a name with a warrior princess?!)
2. We are both divorced
3. She currently works at a place I used to work at - as a matter of fact, the place I met Banana, Cheer Boy and Dazzle
4. She has the same birthday as my dad
5. She also has a lynx point Siamese cat

Freaking weird, right? I was pretty blown away by the whole thing. We had a good night, danced and talked and as luck would have it, her friend hit it off with my friend Cubano! 

It was an awesome evening. And after all of the mediocre dates I have been on lately it was great to finally connect with someone and have a good time. Xena is pretty different from the other women I have been out with. First of all she is pretty young, definitely too young for me to date seriously. But I'm really not trying to be in a relationship right now, so someone to hang out with occasionally is more up my alley. 

What I discovered under the bright lights and thumping bass at Oasis was that we all have ideas of who we would like to be in a relationship. I guess you could say, the roles we would like to take on. It is important to find a person who brings that person out of you, as that makes you more authentic. Finding Xena was like finding another piece of my inner puzzle because now I know that I need to reset my search strategy and seek out a different kind of woman than I have been looking for. I think I have been seeking out women who are just like me, but that is not the type of woman that will make for a fun and exciting relationship (wait, did I just totally dis myself?!) What I am trying to say is that I now know that my ideal partner is not a mirror image of myself and that I am going to have to look in different places if I am going to find the zsa zsa zoo. 

I would like to think that I will see Xena again, but I am not really sure how to navigate the "I'm not looking for a relationship, but am more than willing to make out" conversation. Not sure how that is going to go over. I guess I will just have to see. But I am happy to report that this encounter has given me the breath of fresh air I needed to head back into the first date doldrums. As a matter of fact, I have a date on Thursday with another OK Cupid find. I have some hope for this one because she seems pretty cool and we have been texting over the weekend. I haven't been out with anyone yet who texts before meeting. I think I like it. :)


Anonymous Says:
December 22, 2010 at 2:25 PM

Nice dude. I lika.

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